Sunday, July 03, 2005

Senate Democrats Threaten Filibuster

There has only been one filibuster of a Supreme Court judge in American history...and rightly so. Abe Fortas was Democratic President Johnson's nominee.

You can read about the historicity of this filibuster at the US Senate website below.

The filibuster option was not invoked until after the nominee came forward. Upon closer scrutiny it was seen that Fortas acted questionably. Yet, the Democrats of today are already talking filibuster without seeing a single name.

With Sandra Day O'Connor's step down from her Supreme Court bench, President George W. Bush has the opportunity to nominate a replacement. There are many who feel that the only logical choice for the President is to name a centrist. I firmly disagree. The President has the right to nominate anyone that aligns with his political philosophy. Our last President, Bill Clinton, had no problem appointing judges attuned to his liberal philosophy (Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer).

Our Senate has a Constitutional responsibility in this process too. They are responsible to thoroughly examin the nominees to ensure they are **qualified**. Each nominee should be given the respect of a "yes" or "No" confirmation vote. There has not been a "postponement" of vote since Fillmore's nominee George E. Badger and there have only been 12 nominations rejected (i.e. vote) in U.S. history. Some nominations have been pulled by either the President or the nominee him/herself.

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