Sunday, July 03, 2005

Abortion, adoption and treatments

There are many people, particluarly those stereotyped as liberals, who believe abortion is a woman's health issue. This is not really their purpose in supporting abortion. Abortion's purpose is convenience.

Infertility treatments can cost anywhere from $50-$2000+ a month.

The typical adoption costs anywhere from $2000-$30,000. In adoption it depends on whether a child has disabilities, whether adoption is in the states or over seas. The major problem with adoption is there is very little oversight. Adoption in places like Russia is little more than human trafficing.

If a woman seriously worried about an unwanted baby she would consider a cheaper method that would ultimately help millions of couples who struggle with infertility and those who want to have more children.

There is a cheaper and far safer method...let the woman who doesn't want it carry it and then give it up immediately upon delivery. We're only talking 9 months of a woman's life....can she not take 9 months to give a child a good life? The government could work with insurance agencies so that an infertile couple could use their health insurance to help pay, or even pay for, the pregnancy.

The fact that "Women's Health" organizations would never sponsor such possibilities shows the true nature of abortion. Abortion is not about women's health it is about her convenience and simple conveniences have never been justified rights in the Constitution. Convenience is not an inalienable right.

1 comment:

~ Faith Alone said...

"If" republicans are pro-life they would support the plan... and the plan as I look at it is where the infertile couple pays the bills through their families health insurance... the expectant mother would pay little to nothing... nothing if I had my way.

If the woman carries the child for the infertile couple she wouldn't pay anything except nine months of pregnancy. If the woman and the infertile couple agree to this arrangment I would like to see a tax credit for the mother if she is considered "at risk" socio-economically to be used for education, job training, professional counseling etc...

Obviously checks and balances need to be in place to prevent abuse... but given a good system Republicans will support it. Can you say the same for Democrats...not when their "committed base" is pro-choice.