Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sandra Day O'Connor Nomination

With Sandra Day O'Connor's step down from her Supreme Court bench, President George W. Bush has the opportunity to nominate a replacement. There are many who feel that the only logical choice for the President is to name a centrist. I firmly disagree. The President has the right to nominate anyone that aligns with his political philosophy. Our last President, Bill Clinton, had no problem appointing judges attuned to his liberal philosophy (Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer).

When the citizens of the United State elected the President it was known that in his second term he was to appoint two Supreme Court justices. The President is a conservative and it will come as no shock that he nominates conservatives to fill Sandra Day O'Connor's seat, and any other seat that becomes vaccant. One responsibility the President has is to nominate qualified candidates.

Our Senate has a responsibility as well. They are responsible to thoroughly examin the nominees to ensure they are qualified. Each nominee should be given common respect for an up or down vote.

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