Senator Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and if you don't see an immediate rock star campaign opportunity for our young Peter "Obama" Parker you seriously do not grasp the down and dirty nature of politics. The youth vote in this election will be a significant key to victory and they are currently behind Obama 56% to 35% according to a recent July 23- Aug 3 Gallup Poll. Consider the following annecdotal information from Alloy Media Marketing:
"It's Obama who claims the Presidency among college students -- winning the
popular vote and doubling his support from last year with almost half of the
college vote at 43%. When Hillary was still running she garnered 18% of
the college vote with McCain at 21%. Where will Hillary's 18% go?"
In fact, most of the Obama rock star image is driven by 18-30 year olds. Many of these young kids are heading back to college to continue campaigining for Obama. But the big question is will they vote and will they get others to vote?
The popularity of The Office among those 18-29 year olds is staggering. The Office has won a Golden Globe, Emmy and a Peabody Award. In the fourth-season the show received it's highest ratings with 9.67 million viewers and a series-high of a 5.1 in the key 18–49 age group. This is the same demographic that Obama is going to need to win the Whitehouse.
Enter the Senator born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the home town of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company The Office calls home. Don't be surprised to see tv ads that hallmark Biden's blue collar roots and his connection to Scranton, Pennsylvania within the 30 minute advertising break around The Office. College students will be watching the show and they will see the ads. I see a subtle propaganda machine in the works to make use of Biden's Scranton connection to The Office and to the college students Obama will need to vote in November.
According to recent polling data from Rasmu (Aug 19) there is weak Democratic edge over McCain (46%-41%) in Biden's home state, Pennsylvania. It is within the margin of error. Biden will help solidify Pennsylvania's 21 EVs and lay the framework to subtly influence college students.
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