Friday, August 26, 2005

War Protestors--Be Strategic

There are a lot of people protesting the war and they are using every form of media to their advantage. I think it is great that in the United States we have the freedom of voice and I would not begin to say the Iraq War Protestors should "shut up." I hope they continue to voice their opinion of the war. But I wish they would voice their opinion strategically.

During the Vietnam War protestors in the United States bolstered the enemy to continue their fight. "Those who initially objected to the involvement in Vietnam fell into three broad categories: people with left-wing political opinions who wanted an NLF victory; pacifists who opposed all wars; and liberals who believed that the best way of stopping the spread of communism was by encouraging democratic, rather than authoritarian governments. (1)"

Memoirs and documents released by the North Vietnamese since the Vietnam War tell of the reliance upon the anti-war movement in the United States in helping to fight the American's.

Cindy Sheehan says that Bush killed her son by sending him to Iraq. Insurgents killed your son Ms. Sheehan. Insurgents hate Democracy, Jews and Christians. Like it or not the insurgents consider Democracy, Judaism and Christianity one and the same. Whenever a war protestor calls the insurgent a "freedom fighter" the insurgent and his/her allies around the world are bolstered to continue attacking.

Those who protest the Iraq war should do so but they should be strategic about it. Writing letters to Congress and telephoning state representatives are two ways to maintain free expression and do so in a way that does not aid enemy insurgents in Iraq or their supporters around the world. Protest marches and OpEd pieces are perfectly fine so long as the rhetoric is carefully worded. Calling Iraqi insurgents "Freedom Fighters" as and making comments such as "we are losing the war", "we are in a quagmire", "Bush lied", "this war is immoral", and "all this for oil" do nothing but bolster the enemy. If someone wants to believe these things go right ahead and tell your Congressional representatives who have the real power to work on your behalf to bring the troops home. In public be reserved when our troops are in combat.


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