Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Blame Game

Why do people believe nothing bad should ever happen to them and when something bad does happen why do they try and find someone to blame? Sometimes events occur and people are to blame and sometimes events occur and there is nothing anyone could have done.

We live in a fallen world. Bad things are going to happen. Get over your self importance.

1 comment:

~ Faith Alone said...

What the President has little to no control over in a capitalistic federated system:

1. Gas Prices: Set by consumer/world demand and national access to oil and gas refinery capacity. What is clear from Katrina is that Liberal environmentalism's activism and lobbying has left our nations refining capacity weak.

2. State Budgets: States determine their own tax revenue, how they spend money and what they spend money on. They also determine, to a large extint, how they spend federal dollars (ie: Transportation, Education, Environment). Obviously the state of Louisiana felt that some of the federal taxes I pay should help them with their levy system. Sure, I don't mind helping, but their State bears the brunt of the responsibility for making their state safe. Now, I am going to have to help pay to fix it... probably with higher taxes in the future (particularly if in '06 or '08 if the Dem's gain seats/presidency).

3. International Attitude: A President can push and pull and negotiate, but at the end of the day each nation is going to act in its own soverign interest. The Oil for Food scandal and European heal dragging on UN reform and dealing with international terrorism and despotic regimes proves this point. We received more concrete help from Muslim nations than European nations (and NATO) in the Katrina aftermath.

4. Natural Disasters: The States must ask for help whether a state asks another state or the federal government. That is why we have a federated system of government. "States Rights" prevails. Look at the damn time line people. Why the hell didn't Louisiana's governor ask for Federal help sooner. And let's not let the Media off the hook here. What were they saying immediately after Katrina hit? "Well, it looks like New Orleans dodged the bullet." When they talk like this it causes a lot of people to "relax"--including state and local government authorities. The media definately deserves a lot of blame... and it comes as no surprise that the media generally has a liberal bias.

5. State Elections: The President is not responsible for who the citizens of a state elect to their local, state and national governments.


Why do people believe nothing bad should ever happen to them and when something bad does happen why do they try and find someone to blame? Sometimes events occur and people are to blame and sometimes events occur and there is nothing anyone could have done--people are not perfect and in times of war, economic uncertainty, and natural disaster things are going to go wrong.

Bad things are going to happen. Get over your self importance.