Thursday, July 31, 2008

Obama Plays Race Card

I don't care what Robert Gibbs, who is an Obama strategist, says... Barack Obama played the "race card". There is no justification or rationalization a democrat could use to support Obama's comments. Mr. Gibbs, you gave it a good try (see below) but the spinning has spun your head around in a circle.

Readers, please read the following statement by the Obama camp. The full text of the article can be found here:

"While calling to mind the images of presidents on the nation's paper money
— George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and Ulysses S. Grant are on the bills most commonly used — Obama didn't make clear what distinctions he
thinks McCain is likely to raise. Besides being white, they were for the most
part much older than Obama when elected. McCain has not raised Obama's
race as an issue in the campaign; he has said that Obama lacks experience.

When asked by The Associated Press what Obama meant by the comparison,
Obama strategist Robert Gibbs said Thursday morning that the senator was not
referring to race."What Barack Obama was talking about was that he didn't get
here after spending decades in Washington," Gibbs said. "There is nothing more
to this than the fact that he was describing that he was new to the political
scene. He was referring to the fact that he didn't come into the race with the
history of others. It is not about race."

Okay, so let's look at Gibbs' reasoning, "that Obama didn't get here after spending decades in Washington" and how that reasoning relates to the presidents on the U.S. currency.

Let's start with George Washington. First of all, George Washington never spent a day in Washington. In fact, George Washington lived in Mount Vernon, which is in Virginia. Secondly, George Washington did not serve for "decades" either as President, vice president, or within the halls of Congress. So, Mr. Gibbs, let's take George Washington off the table.

Next is Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. Before becoming President he was a member of the US House of Representatives where he served for ONE term (not decades). He then served in the Taylor administration. Again, this was not for even a decade, let alone decades. So, Mr. Gibbs, let's take Abraham Lincoln off the table.

Next on the table is Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson was the 17th President of the United States. Jackson started his "washington" political career in 1796 as the representative for Tennessee which aquired statehood. He was elected to the Senate in 1797 but he resigned within a year. He then became a judge in 1798 where he served until 1804. It was not until 1821 that he again became a politician when he served as military governor of Florida. He was nominated for President in 1822 and he again returned to the US Senate that year. He resigned from the Senate in 1825. He became President in 1828 and won reelection in 1832. So, Mr. Gibbs, let's do the math. One year House, one year Senate, three years again in the Senate and 8 years President. Now, if we include the presidency Jackson had 13 years in Washington government. But, would Obama really want to count the 8 years of a persons' presidency against them? I doubt it, so that pulls it back to 5 years. Once again, Mr. Gibbs, we have a currency president off the table.

Finally, we have Ulysses S. Grant. Grant was the 18th president of the United States where he served from 1869–1877 another 8 years that we will eventually right off. So what were Grant's decades of politics as a Washington insider? He was the youngest man elected president (46) and inexperienced. His cabinet was fixed on scandal (Black Friday, whiskey ring, Sanborn, and Credit Mobilier). He also faced accusations of anti-semitism. Mr. Gibbs, that is what we got from a no experience president. He had zero experience beyond being a general in the army. So I am sure you'll want Grant off the table.... because to think that Obama is running as a Freshman senator with little to no experience, not even military experience, one only wonders how Grant-like he could be.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

House Apologizes to African-Americans

Today the U.S. House of Representatives apologized to African-Americans for slavery and Jim Crow. I thank them for apologizing on my behalf since I had something to do with it. I would honestly think there is more our congress could be doing than engaging in election year politics, which is exactly what this was. The resolution was wordsmithed by none other than Steve Cohen who faces a run off election in his district.

"The House "apologizes to African-Americans on behalf of the people of the
United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who
suffered under slavery and Jim Crow."

Cohen is a rank and file democrat according to Govtrack's own analysis who votes 96% of the tie along party lines. He is far left of center.

He hasn't done anything in the House worth noting. Steve Cohen has sponsored 21 bills since Jan 4, 2007, of which 15 haven't made it out of committee (Average) and 2 were successfully enacted (Average, relative to peers). Cohen has co-sponsored 980 bills during the same time period (Average, relative to peers). [On 4/2/08, the numbers were updated to consider companion bills in the other chamber identified as "identical" by the Congressional Research Service when determining if a bill was enacted or made it past the introduction stage.]

Cohen is facing a challenge from Nikki Tinker, a relative unknown to politics, who took 25% of the Democratic vote in 2006. Cohen has a party line history in congress who is considered by Nancy Pelosi as the "conscience of the freshmen class" of the 110th Congress. He's avidly against the Iraq War. He helped Pelosi gain her seat as House Speaker, hence the help on passing his resolution to cater to his constituency back home. He also sits on the Judiciary Committee and is responsible for blocking so many of Bush's nominees. He is also a huge Obama supporter. Finally, when asked what his biggest role might be in a second term, "But first and foremost, he wants to be instrumental in ending the war in Iraq." Well, I guess ending the war is more important that winning... no wonder he's an Obama fan.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

McCain and Bush are NOT the same.

Another pithy reporting job by an Associated Press writer (Liz Sidoti). You can read her article over at In the middle of her article she states

"These days, Obama assails McCain's position on the issues every chance he
gets. He levels his charges with a commonsense tone and lighthearted touch that
couches the criticism while making his core argument: McCain and President Bush
are the same."

Of course the above quote is political rhetoric and nothing more. It's an appeal to emotion. Obama does not believe McCain and President Bush are the same. I highly doubt this is one of Obama's "core arguments". Why not you ask? Because the argument is a fallacious one and if Obama is everything he claims to be (a new kind of politician) I'd like to believe he would not stoop to such common practices as "guilt by association", "Poisoning the Well", Et cetera.

Of course, I have no problem laying my bias out in plain view... Obama is not a new kind of politician; he's the same kind just carefully packaged and more carefully unwrapped. The paper is from one store, the box is from another, the gift has had its price tag removed, and the gift receipt was accidently misplaced.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Obama Admits He's no Centrist

While giving a speech at a town hall meeting outside Atlanta, Ga. Obama expressed surprise that people would think he is trying to move to the center,

"Obama said he is “no doubt progressive,” and that even though he talks openly
about faith and takes a few positions his supporters might not agree with, “the
notion that somehow that’s me trying to look like I’m more centered — more
centrist — is just not true."

Judging from Obama's own statement, he well deserves the title, "Most Liberal Senator in the Senate."